Can you use tap water to top up the water level in the battery?

If you find that your car battery’s fluid level is low, you might wonder what to do next. Should you simply top it up with water from the tap? The answer is no. According to auto electricians, the best way to refill a battery is by using deionised, demineralised, or distilled water. These types of water are free of impurities that can harm your battery, and you can easily find them at most auto or hardware shops in convenient gallon jugs.

Why not use tap water? Tap water contains minerals and other contaminants that, when introduced to your battery, can accumulate on the battery plates and clog the pores. This reduces the battery’s efficiency, causing it to work harder and heat up faster, which ultimately shortens its lifespan. If you are ever in a bind, rainwater may serve as a temporary solution, and as an absolute last resort, tap water can be used. However, be aware that using tap water will eventually lead to battery issues down the line.

Why Tap Water Can Harm Your Battery

When you fill a battery with tap water, the minerals present in the water can coat the battery plates. Over time, these minerals prevent the plates from making proper contact with the electrolyte solution, which leads to an overworked and overheated battery. The battery may wear out much faster than it would with proper maintenance.

To prevent such problems, it’s always a good idea to keep some distilled water in the boot of your car for emergencies. Additionally, you should check your battery’s fluid level regularly, particularly before long trips or during routine vehicle maintenance, to avoid the need for emergency refills.

Maintenance-Free Battery Options

If you want to avoid the hassle of regularly checking your battery’s fluid levels, consider switching to a completely maintenance-free battery. These batteries are sealed units that never require you to top up the water level. They come equipped with an indicator on top that shows the health of the battery. A green indicator means the battery is in good condition, while a black indicator suggests that it needs replacing. This type of battery offers peace of mind, as it eliminates the need for regular fluid checks.

However, if your battery has square caps on top, it’s the type where you can still add water. To check if it needs a refill, remove the caps and inspect the battery plates. If the plates are exposed to air, you should add distilled water until the plates are fully submerged. If the plates are already covered, no action is required, and you can simply replace the caps.

Getting Professional Help

Working on a car battery can be more complicated than it seems, especially with today’s modern vehicles. Most cars today are equipped with intricate electrical systems that are closely tied to the battery, as well as onboard computers that control various functions. Because of this, it’s highly recommended that you have a qualified auto electrician handle any issues related to your battery.

Even something as simple as refilling your battery’s water or replacing it can lead to electrical complications if done improperly. Auto electricians are trained to check for any underlying issues that may be affecting your battery and can ensure the electrical system is functioning as it should. Additionally, they can inspect the battery for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage to prevent future problems.

The Role of Auto Electricians

At ACE Mechanics, our skilled auto electricians can handle all types of battery services, from checking and maintaining fluid levels to replacing faulty batteries. When you bring your vehicle in for routine service, it’s a good idea to ask your mechanic to check the battery’s condition as well. Ensuring your battery is fully charged and in good health will save you from the frustration of unexpected breakdowns, flat batteries, or battery replacement costs down the line.


Maintaining the correct fluid level in your car battery is essential for its longevity and performance. Always use distilled, deionised, or demineralised water when topping up your battery, and avoid tap water whenever possible. If you’re unsure about the condition of your battery or how to maintain it, it’s best to consult with a professional auto electrician. By keeping your battery in top condition, you’ll enjoy a more reliable vehicle and avoid costly repairs in the future.

Next time you have your car serviced, don’t forget to ask the technicians at ACE Mechanics to check your battery and ensure it’s ready for anything the road might throw at it.

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